New Mum Printed Photo Plaque with Custom Message


Stand Options

A beautiful plaque displaying one photo of your choice, capturing a perfect moment for the recipient. Perfect for Mother's Day as well as just because.

How to Order:

Select a size:

Sizes of Acrylic available:
- A6 - 106mm by 148mm by 3mm
- A5 - 210mm by 148mm by 3mm

Please send us the following:

1. Upload one photo for the design
2. The personal message you would like printed on the plaque (title and main message).

The plaque comes with an oak wooden stand fully varnished or flat acrylic stand.

- We use only the best quality clear Acrylic - 3mm
- We print the Acrylic directly using UV ink printing technology to give a high quality finish.

Colours may appear different due to monitors/screens.

There are various shipping options available - please see Shipping page for more details.