Couples Anniversary Photo Block with I Love You Message


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The perfect gift to give to any loved one to share that special picture that means so much more than an image. Memories, feelings, thoughts - all captured in a photo. Whether your wanting a gift for your boyfriend, husband, wife, girlfriend, sibling, parent/s or best friends our mini plaques are well thought out to look elegant and smart.

We require the following details for each order:
1. Photo to add to the design
2. Personal Message
3. Colour of font

Length and Width:
Large: 10cm x 10cm (100mm)
Medium: 8cm x 8cm (80mm)
Depth/Thickness: 1.2cm (12mm)

Material: Polished Acrylic

Colours may appear different due to monitors/screens.

There are various shipping options available - please see Shipping page for more details.